Our normal Sunday Service schedule*:
1st Sunday^ Time 10:30am Holy Communion Book of Common Prayer
2nd Sunday Time 10:30am Family Service
3rd Sunday Time 10:30am Morning Prayer from the BCP
4th Sunday** Time 10:30am Family Church - includes crafts, worship and hot filled rolls.
5th Sunday Time 10:30am Parish Breakfast, Praise and worship (with testimonies)
* Type of Service may change at short notice.
** Always on the 4th Sunday unless it coincides with a Festival. It includes food craft, messy craft, a message, and food to eat with a drink. It's a great time for parents as well as the children.
^ Holy Communion set in a contemporary style.
Mid-Week Services
Term time Tuesday 7.00 pm Praise & Worship
Our Ladies Coffee Morning
Women's Coffee Morning, first Wednesday of every Month (not on in January), 10:30am.
Prayer Walk
Term time 1st and 3rd week Thursday 2.00 pm Prayer walk around Shoreham
Please keep a close look at our Calendar for current services or other events. Service types and times are subject to change.